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Category: Quranic Way of Life

The Islamic Living

The Islamic Living

ۛ أَحْسِنُوا ۛ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ Do good deeds; Surely Allah loves the good-doers. [Al-Quran Surah 2: Verse 195] وَقُولُوا لِلنَّاسِ حُسْنًا And speak of goodness to people in a nice manner. [Al-Quran Surah 2: Verse 83] وَقُولُوا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا And talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception. [Al-Quran Surah 33: Verse 70] وَاجْتَنِبُوا قَوْلَ الزُّورِ Avoid any deceitful or ostentatious talk (comprising any distortion of facts or deviation from the truth) [Al-Quran Surah 22: Verse…

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