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Tag: dhikr

Zikr or Dhikr (ذِکر)

Zikr or Dhikr (ذِکر)

The Quranic term ‘Zikr’ or ‘Dhikr’ has been used in the Quran in different meanings, including the following: 1.      REMEMBERANCE It includes: calling (something) to mind and keeping (something) in mind; being mindful of (something) and not neglect it; bearing (something) in mind and not forget it. أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ “Surely, peace and tranquility of the minds comes with the remembrance of Allah [i.e. by being heedful of His Commands in all walks of life]”. [Al-Quran Surah 13:…

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